Setting Up ONAP

ONAP is deployed using the ONAP Operations Manager (OOM).

The recommended ONAP deployment can be deployed on a private set of physical hosts or VMs (or even a combination of the two) and is based on Kubernetes, Docker containers and Helm installer.


OOM requires the following Software components.

  • Kubernetes
  • Helm
  • kubectl
  • Docker

The Software versions needed for the specific ONAP release as well as the minimum Hardware configuration can be found in the OOM Cloud Setup Guide


Creation of Kubernetes cluster is described here:

OOM Cloud Setup Guide

ONAP on HA Kubernetes Cluster

ONAP installation is described here:

OOM Quickstart Guide

OOM User Guide

Alternative way of offline ONAP installation is described here:

OOM Offline-Installer


Prior to deployment of ONAP, there is no need to download manually any Docker container. The OOM deployment takes care to automatically download the Docker containers.

It is also possible to deploy a subset of ONAP components on a single VM. The VM flavor to be used depends on the number of ONAP components to be deployed.


NodePorts are used to allow client applications, that run outside of Kubernetes, access to ONAP components deployed by OOM. A NodePort maps an externally reachable port to an internal port of an ONAP microservice. It should be noted that the use of NodePorts is temporary. An alternative solution based on Ingress Controller, which initial support is already in place. It is planned to become a default deployment option in the Guilin release.

More information from official Kubernetes documentation about NodePort.

The following table lists all the NodePorts used by ONAP.

NodePorts table
NodePort Component Service name targetPort Port
30200 VID vid 8443 8443
30201 SDNC sdnc-portal 8443 8443
30203 SDNC sdnc-dgbuilder 3100 3000
30204 SDC sdc-be-external 8443 8443
30207 SDC sdc-fe 9443 9443
30209 ROBOT robot 443 443
30210 AAI aai-modelloader 8080 8080
30211 APPC appc 9191 9090
30212 PORTAL portal-sdk 8443 8443
30218 POLICY pap 9091 9091
30219 POLICY pap 8443 8443
30220 AAI aai-sparky-be 8000 8000
30222 DCAE xdcae-hv-ves-collector 6061 6061
30225 PORTAL portal-app 8443 8443
30226 DMAAP message-router-external 3905 3905
30228 APPC appc-dgbuilder 3100 3000
30229 AAI aai-modelloader 8443 8443
30230 APPC appc 8443 8443
30231 APPC appc 1830 1830
30233 AAI aai 8443 8443
30234 POMBA*) pomba-kibana 5601 5601
30242 DMAAP dmaap-bc 8443 8443
30248 OOF oof-osdf 8699 8698
30249 POMBA*) pomba-data-router 9502 9502
30251 AAF aaf-gui 8200 8200
30253 LOG*) log-kibana 5601 5601
30254 LOG*) log-es 9200 9200
30255 LOG*) log-ls 5044 5044
30256 SDC sdc-wfd-fe 8443 8443
30257 SDC sdc-wfd-be 8443 8443
30258 CLAMP clamp-external 2443 2443
30260 CLI cli 443 443
30264 DCAE sdc-dcae-fe 9444 9444
30266 DCAE sdc-dcae-dt 9446 9446
30267 SDNC sdnc 8443 8443
30269 DMAAP dmaapr-prov 443 8443
30271 CLI cli 9090 9090
30274 EXTAPI nbi 8443 8443
30275 OOF oof-has-api 8091 8091
30277 SO so 8080 8080
30279 AAI aai-babel 9516 9516
30283 MSB msb-iag 443 443
30284 MSB msb-eag 443 443
30288 SNIRO*) sniro-emulator 9999 80
30289 APPC appc-cdt 18080 18080
30290 CLAMP cdash-kibana 5601 5601
30297 VNFSDK refrepo 8703 8703
30299 POMBA*) pomba-networkdiscovery 8443 9531
30398 UUI uui 8443 8443
30399 UUI uui-server 8082 8082
30406 SO so-vnfm-adapter 9092 9092
30407 MUSIC music 8443 8443
30417 DCAE xdcae-ves-collector 8443 8443
30418 DCAE dashboard 8443 8443
30420 NETBOX netbox-nginx 8080 8080
30478 AWX awx-web 8080 80
30490 DMAAP message-router-kafka-0 9091 9091
30491 DMAAP message-router-kafka-1 9091 9091
30492 DMAAP message-router-kafka-2 9091 9091
30494 DMAAP dmaap-dr-node-external 8443 8443
30497 CDS cds-ui 3000 3000


*) POMBA, LOG and SNIRO are not part of the default Frankfurt ONAP deployment.

This table retrieves information from the ONAP deployment using the following Kubernetes command:

kubectl get svc -n onap -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{range.spec.ports}}{{if .nodePort}}{{.nodePort}}{{.}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}'